Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ultimate book..for you (10pts)?

Love story, romance, crime novel.

Basically tell me about a book that had something in it that you can't define but what you know is wonderful.

Mine are:

Diana Wynne Jones; Dalemark series

Stieg Larsson; Millenium trilogy

Wuthering Heights (OMG covers it)

Suggestions of all walks of life and if you mention Twilight prepare to explain your views beyond (EDWARD IS SO HOT!!!)|||A Little Piece of Ground by Elizabeth Laird

I'm not sure what genre it is, and to be honest, there's no real plot; it's just about how a Palestinian teenager and his family cope with the continuous conflict between their country and Israel, but it's not like.. old. It's a modern day book. It involves romance, crime and punishment, and war, I guess.

It's got to be the best book I've ever read, why? It's just so.. different, you know? It's like seeing the world from just one person's perspective. Although the storyline / characters aren't real, the situation is. There's so much you don't hear about on the news in developed countries like the UK, about situations in less developed countries, it's so hard to explain. It's just a really moving book, and there's so many moments where it's hard not to want to cry :| just thinking about some of the things that go on in other countries, which we don't even know about, is horrible.

A Little Piece of Ground really inspired me, after reading it, I'd like to travel to Palestine when I'm a little older, just to see what it's really like.

I enjoy books which are partly based on real life things, because for me, it's the easiest way to learn about the world :)

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