Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is the new Millennium movie too disturbing for a 14 year old?

I've read the Millennium trilogy (Stieg Larsson) and I thoroughly enjoyed them, so I'm considering watching the film adaption of it, but is it too disturbing for a 14 year old?

The books (Dragon Tattoo) made me feel a bit queasy at certain scenes, but they didn't bother me too much.

Last time I watched 'The Lovely Bones' I couldn't go to sleep for 4 weeks so...if the violence in the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo movie goes beyond

it, I'll pass.|||If the new David Fincher adaptation is as graphic as the one that was done in Swedish by Niels Arden Oplev I would think that it would be too disturbing for a 14 year old. The Swedish one had a couple of graphic rape scenes, a not so graphic sexual assault scene and a sex scene and a lot of nudity and language. I am used to seeing a lot of disturbing material, but that one was one of the most disturbing things I had ever seen in a movie. I do not know if the American version by Fincher will be as blatant with the rape scenes since I haven't seen it but you might not want to watch it since I think it will definately be more graphic than The Lovely Bones.

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